Tuesday, March 1, 2016

Still here and still stitching

Looks like I am going to be lucky to post once a month these days. My new plan to focus on some unfinished projects is working quite well but that new focus has resulted in less time for blogging and more time for stitching. And I am not even reading blogs as much as I am really trying to have fewer distractions so that I can put some concentrated effort on working on some of my own designs. I discovered the world of quilting blogs about 5 years ago and have taken much delight in what others in the quilt world are working on and have certainly been inspired to try many new things. But unfortunately I put many of my own designs aside and have decided that I need to look for my own quilting voice again and find a way to enjoy the fun sew alongs that I see online and love to do without losing myself in the process. It is a very difficult balance for me, I love seeing what is new but I end up being drawn into what everyone else is doing and my own ideas seem to recede. Does anyone else feel this way? Anyway, I have been busy stitching. First up is my Miss Porter by Di Ford.

One of my biggest influences since I began blogging is Australian quilts and designers. I just love what is happening in Australia in the reproduction quilts, modern fabrics, great color and fabric arrangements. There seems to be more people doing handwork including EPP, embroidery and hand piecing and such wonderful hand applique. Why it just all makes my heart sing and I am so inspired. And that is what got me hooked into The Splendid Sampler. Another sampler of all American designers I might have been able to resist, but one organized by an American and an Australian and including designers from all over the world had me intrigued. I am all caught up and am loving each and every block. Here are my blocks so far.

There are also 2 extras in that group, both by Lori Holt. I am not sure if they will be included but any time I have a chance to make an extra 6 " block I am trying to make it in colors that will blend in case I want to use it in the finished quilt. The extras are the bee and the little Instagram camera which was a little mystery block Lori did via Instagram.

I am also working on this year's BOM by Sentimental Stitches, the 1857 Album Quilt. I am not doing the traditional colors of red and green. As part of finding my own voice, I decided to use "my colors" and may make a few changes along the way to personalize my blocks. This one is fun and easy, a nice break when I am looking for some simple stitching.

I am also working on an old project of my own design which I started before I began blogging and which I have decided not to share right now. It is a pretty intense project with lots of applique and I have dreams of entering it in a national show (if I ever finish the thing) so for now it remains secret which is another reason my blog posts will probably remain infrequent. Hope to be back soon with some more stitching to share.



Cheri said...

I love "your" colors for the Sentimental Stitches sampler. The splendid sampler has some really cute blocks-might need to check that out. I like what the Australian designers are doing also.

Karen said...

I agree that it is very easy to get caught up with what other bloggers are working on and hard to find time for your own creative design process.
How interesting to see the Sentimental Stitches sampler of blocks being done in blues. I like your blocks very much.

Susan said...

I totally understand where you're coming from. So much valuable sewing time is lost on social media. I am trying my own design too. Despite lots of temptations on the blogs, there is something alluring about a project that is a one off of your own design. I love seeing your applique, such meticulous stitching.

Oops-Lah said...

Good for you for concentrating on your sewing instead of sitting in front of the computer. But sadly that means we don't get to hear so often from you anymore. But when we do, it's always great with all your fantastic projects you have on the go.

Aunt 'Reen said...

I totally understand and can relate to your time constraints.
I enjoy seeing all your amazing projects and am so pleased that we are both involved in a couple of the same sew alongs. It allows me the opportunity to follow your beautiful work!

Deb @ Frugal Little Bungalow said...

I just saw you 1857 blocks on FB yesterday ; didn't realize it was you :) They are lovely in these colors.

Flickenstichlerin said...

I enjoy your projects, your sewing is delightful and inspiring. Love what you have shown and will continue to do so.

Lynne said...

Thank you! I hadn't heard about the 1857 quilt (like I need another project!). I can't resist...

I love your blog. I don't mind that you're not posting as much, it'll encourage me to read through your archives (or get off the computer and quilt).

Karen in Breezy Point said...

Very nice projects--I definitely agree that each quilt should reflect the quilter--make it your own!

Kyle said...

So nice to get caught up with your work. I especially enjoy seeing the 1857 blocks done in your color choices. And a big well done with finishing Miss Porter. I love Di's patterns. They are not for the faint of heart. Your interpretation is beautiful.

Kath said...

I agree completely! I only recently discovered the QAL and BOM. Oh I am so tempted to join every one, but common sense prevails as I am determined to finish the 2 works I have in progress. I need to sew more and look less ha ha.
I do like seeing what you are making and follow with great interest.

Every Stitch said...

I'm enjoying your "finding your voice" and know exactly what you mean! Aqua blue colours seem to be your signature and you do it beautifully! Look forward to seeing your own design when you are ready to share:)

Nancy said...

I really like the colors your have chosen for your 1857 quilt. I wish I was better at using a one color theme for my quilts but it seems once I see a pattern in a particular color I have a difficult time going in a different direction.
I agree with you about Australian quilts and their designers, they have had a tremendous effect on the quilt world.
Looking forward to seeing your original design project.

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gi quilt said...

I really admire your appliqué and focus. I have really gone crazy with trying new projects. I love the Australian Quilter's too. The next few weeks I need to follow your example and rein myself in! Thanks for posting your projects.

Angie in SoCal said...

I so feel the same way - it is too easy to be pulled into other's beautiful works and what projects I have started get buried, and nothing gets done. Once you find a way to enjoy the fun sew alongs that we see online and not lose ourselves in the process, please let us know. This year I am mostly working on WIPs and have only started one new project - the Splendid Sampler. Love your work.

Debra said...

Oh boy, do I hear you!!!! I have been feeling exactly the same way and have really been thinking about the journey my quilting style has taken. Like you, I am easily distracted by all the WONDERFUL styles and projects out there. It is a important to stay true to that which gives us the most creative satisfaction and yes, finding that balance is very hard. Good luck - I love seeing your style and quilts and you have influenced me in the past - all good!!!!

Lynn S said...

I love reading your blog and you haven't posted for some time. I check daily. I hope all is well! Thinking of you!

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