Yes, it's true. I just love sampler quilts. Mostly I love making sampler quilts because I make so many different blocks and I never get bored. Something about making the same thing over and over just cannot keep me interested. While some quilters just love to cut everything out at once and then sit and chain piece units before assembling the final blocks, I am more of a one block at a time kinda girl. Which leads me to my newest project. My SIL and I have been sewing "together" for about 1 1/2 years now. We pick a project and each work on it at the same time using our own fabrics and acting as each other's sounding board and cheerleader. We have worked on mystery quilts, online BOMs and sometimes just select a pattern to try. It is just great to have a quilting buddy and I think it has improved our piecing along the way. Our last big project was the Gypsy Wife quilt which I just loved doing and know I might never have finished without my buddy cheering me on. Anyway, we each also have our own projects that we work on and we are both hoping to work on Bonnie Hunter's mystery starting late November. But in the meantime we have started a new project called Sampler Magic by Lori Smith.

I found this pattern in my stash and decided it would be perfect for using some Christmas fabrics that I had collected several years ago. I am using this focus fabric that is just below these first blocks.
The pattern is easy to understand for an "old school" quilter like myself. No fancy or speedy techniques (though I do enjoy those), no making units larger and then trimming, just cutting out a whole block, arranging it next to my sewing machine and sewing it together. Bliss! I just love selecting the fabrics for each block though I must admit to having a little difficulty with value in a few them. But overall I am enjoying this project and I am certainly glad that my piecing has improved this year as some of the pieces are pretty small. So here are several more blocks.
And the first row is complete.
And just for fun here is my SIL's version.