Today I did the cutting for the Star Surround quilt along that is being hosted by Melissa Cory of Happy Quilting. I love these fun fabrics and I only need 9 fat quarters and some background for a nice baby quilt. Most of these fabrics were in a fat quarter pack that I picked up for a song at Tuesday Morning a few months ago.

I also got the next section of the quilt we are making in the Aiming for Accuracy quilt along hosted by Michelle Foster of the Quilting Gallery. I have never done a quilt along before this summer and I am really enjoying the process and variety of quilts that will result.

Happy Stitching
Sounds like fun! But, shame on you for tempting me to start another project! :) I actually am going to need a baby quilt and plan to go take a look at my stash for the possibilities. I need a sit and sew project that's easy to do and just for fun...may see you at the quilt a long if I don't get sidetracked by all the UFO's I find while digging in the stash.
Star quilt along is fab. You have got me thinking!! Thanks for sharing. Marie
Lovely colours again!!
What a great alternative to your LE project. Love the sunny colours you are using.
These colors are so pretty. Great job getting all of your cutting done :)
What a terrific block. I wish I had the time and not so many ufo's so I could do more quilt alongs.
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