First up a big thank you to my blogging friend Jane from Jane's Threads and Treasures for the sweet little package of goodies. I was away for a few weeks and this awaited me on my return. A little pin cushion, some pretty fabric, chocolates and some lip balm. A lovely gift that just made my day.
And now for "The Good". I am thrilled to be a new grandmother of this darling little girl. Due to adoption laws in the state she was born in, we were on pins and needles for awhile but all went well and she is a wonderful addition to the family.
We were able to go and help out with her older brother right after the birth, because of "The Bad". A few weeks ago, the company that my husband worked for was bought and was closed within a week. All the jobs were eliminated so, less than a year after moving here, we are putting our house up for sale and moving again. This will be the 7th or 8th move in 4 years! It has been a very difficult 4 years and we have decided that enough is enough and it is time to simplify our lives. The good news is that we can move back to be near the grandchildren and our son and daughter-in-law. We will be downsizing again and since my budget will be cut I will have to finally rely on my stash for my quilting. Good job I have a large stash to draw from! Lol
My back recovery continues, though slowly, and this will make the move even harder but I am ready to move forward and hopefully I will be stitching again soon.