Sunday, November 6, 2011

Eek, curved piecing

Oh my goodness putting this center together was certainly out of my comfort zone!  I've never really wanted to make a Double Wedding Ring quilt and didn't quite understand how they went together so putting these together was quite the challenge.  I worked in some frustration yesterday but things seemed a bit better today after looking at a few tutorials online.  But then it wasn't flat. I followed the instructions and measured the center for the border measurement but man there sure was a lot of easing to make those last borders fit. Well, things seem a bit flatter now.  If I didn't love how this looks in my kitchen I think I would give up but at least the next part is applique and that I know how to do!  Despite my complaining I am enjoying this one and learning lots of new skills.  Who knew that the foundation piecing would be the easy part!!!!


  1. Looks great! I always find if I can get them pretty flat I feel so happy. Well done!

  2. I hear you Heather. I think I used a combo of two mwthods to get my blogs together and had to make tons of notes for myself. No wonder they say it's for the experienced. I think it was worth it, the top looks fantastic so far.

  3. It is looking soooo good!
    Hugs - Lurline♥
