Wednesday, October 12, 2011

A blog win and a plea for "Follower" help

What a great way to brighten up a dreary day.  Yesterday these fun things arrived in the mail thanks to a generous giveaway from Kelly at Pinkadots Quilts.  I have a link to her blog on my sidebar so you can go check out the fun things she is working on.  I love her fun use of bright fabrics.  Thanks Kelly, I can't wait to figure out what to do with the Christmas charm packs and the little pumpkin will now go up on the wall in my kitchen!
 On a totally different note, I have been having trouble with my "Followers"  on my sidebar.  Sometimes they are there sometimes not.  Yesterday I spent some time searching Google and blogger for a solution and thought that I had it all figured out but then today I went in and they were gone again.  I am usually able to retrieve them by clearing history and I think perhaps yesterday's fix (which I can't explain cause I didn't really understand) did solve some of the problems but I would love to hear from anyone who reads my blog.  Mainly can you see my followers in my sidebar or is this disappearance now just happening on my computer?  For a while you could only see followers if you came direct, not from someone else's blog but that hopefully is OK now. I know that this is a problem that others are experiencing as I sometimes can't see the followers and the button doesn't work on other blogs.  Thanks to everyone who responds, I will be so grateful as this is really driving me nuts!  Thank goodness for my hexie distraction and a big thank you again to Kelly for the delightful giveaway.


  1. I can see your followers pix and I came from "Quiltsalott". Love your Blackbirds design hanging--so lovely. My problem is that I cannot leave comments on some of my followers blogs for some a new blogger, so perhaps I am missing something??Julierose

  2. I can see your followers and see myself there in the bottom corner. I came here through my google reader. I was on a blog earlier today where I could tell she had the follower gadget on her blog but I couldn't see her followers or join. I went out and back in again and the followers were there. I've had problems commenting for over a week-first on blogs that didn't have comments in a pop up window and then all of them. I wonder what browser you are using. I've been trying Firefox and haven't had trouble using that. I know it is frustrating when blogger doesn't work right. Oh and congrats on your win....great goodies there. Love that fabric line!

  3. I have the same issue with my followers disappearing from time to time. When I clicked on your blog from mine (clicking on the name of this new post) I could not see your followers, so I refreshed your page, but still no followers. Then I clicked on your blog's title, and there were your followers. I don't know what the problem is, but you aren't alone. (Congrats on your wonderful goodies too!)

  4. yes the followers come and go, have no clue why
    it seems to be better now then it was last month.
    usually i wait a day and they are back!

    great prizes, enjoy them!

  5. I can see your followers.

    I have your blog listed on my blog side bar.

  6. Congratulations on such a lovely win. I had to refresh the page before your followers comes up. Sometimes I lose it on my blog for a day and I think it's blogger glitches. I found that if I go into the followers in my dashborad to edit and just click save again, it reappears.

  7. Congrats on your wins. They are fabulous.
    I can see your followers today. When I can't see them and I need to I just hit the "refresh" button and they usually pop up.

  8. Mine come and go as well, I think it is a mystery!
    Congratulations on your win!

  9. THe first time I lost all of my followers, and more importantly, all the blog I followed I freaked out! But they alwlays come back after a few refreshes. It's a Blogger problem, not you!
