Monday, October 8, 2012

My new sewing space

Though we have moved in with only the essentials, while waiting to sell our home in Georgia, a start has been made on setting up my sewing room in the new house. It is just a start as my "real stuff" has yet to arrive but at least I can now see the potential in the space. Looking forward to many happy hours stitching here. It is much smaller than my space in my other home but at least I have windows!


  1. It looks beautiful! If you ever need a room to influence you, this room would do it.

  2. It looks beautiful! If you ever need a room to influence you, this room would do it.

  3. It's a beautiful space, light and airy. You'll create lots of wonderful things there!

  4. What fun getting to settle into a new sewing room, and what a lovely looking place you have there.

  5. Glad to see you are settling in well.
    What a lovely light filled you have!

    Love the little quilt by the window.
