Wednesday, June 3, 2015

Rachel Meyer, block 9

I have finally finished another block for my interpretation of the Rachel Meyer quilt. There are 12 different 18" blocks, a large center block and appliqued border so I still have a ways to go but I feel like I am 1/2 way there now. This is the fish block that I used when I discussed my technique to prep blocks. Still not in love with that large fish but am happy with the finished block.


Thanks, for all the encouragement when I post these blocks. It really helps to keep me motivated to continue!



  1. Your applique on the block looks great, love it.

  2. You get so much done so fast. You inspire me to get busy! I love love love your fabric choices.

  3. Your work is just perfection! I hope you are enjoying the creation of this masterpiece as much I am enjoying seeing it! XO

  4. Please keep showing your work, I love it!

  5. Love your colors in this quilt. Interesting block. :-)

  6. The fish is interesting :0) I love the flowers going in a circle!

  7. Gosh, Heather--this is so lovely; I am still just such a beginner with my little Pomegranates! But, I am getting a bit better with my template prep and stitching. I like the fact that it is S L O W work. Very relaxing--once i remember to put my shoulders DOWN!! LOL Hugs, Julierose

  8. I like the wavy design fabric you used for the tail and fin on the fish. I am one of those followers on your progress. The blocks look oh so good.

  9. i love the fish! great block

  10. That's quite a fish. I like how you gave the fins movement with the zig zag fabric. Lovely!

  11. Your hand work is beautiful and I love the colours of fabrics you chose. What a beautiful project.

  12. There is no denying that fish is weird. I wonder what Rachel was thinking when she did it. I expect it was something her husband caught and the biggest catfish she had ever seen or somesuch.... I love how with each block you are giving it your identity. Keep them coming, it will be wonderful.

  13. Your appliqué looks so fantastic.

  14. I love that fish block! It is so fun and whimsical!

  15. I think it's really fun to see a fish in a block. It's a beautiful setting with the circle of flowers and the bird.
